Electronic injection

A night of electronic music. This is the theme of Electronic Injection, which brought together almost four thousand people and several DJs at Life Club. I liked the idea, since most university parties are similar and play a little bit of everything: country music, pop, funk, electro and rock. It is interesting that the parties are different, as they create their own identity and retain the public that does not go to every party. electronic-injection-1 But let's go back to the 19th of September. Before entering, something caught my attention: the queue. I've been to several university parties, but I've never seen so many people outside. I think I took about 15 minutes in line. After that, more waiting to buy the cup. The price was more expensive than usual and I lost another ten minutes. But the night would still be long. The next tip is to arrive before midnight to avoid the queues. The party had two environments. Most were on the mainstream stage, outside Life, so I went there. In the midst of several people painted with neon on their faces, I sang songs like Under Control, Prayer in C and Summer. However, the one that most excited the public was Save the World, the success of the Swedish House Mafia. There were also male and female dancers on stage, and every now and then shredded paper was thrown at the crowd. When I went to the bar, I was surprised: there was no queue. Of course, there were some people, but the situation was very different from the hustle and bustle that usually occurs in the bar at other parties. Among the drinks there was the traditional - beer, vodka, soda, water - and still energy, which is another differential of the party. electronic-injection-2 To close the night, Repow, the most awaited attraction. The DJ from Curitiba stirred the audience, including some people who were already thinking about leaving. The problem was the sound, which seemed lower than at the beginning of the party. Despite that, I really enjoyed the show and the night. I thought it was one of the best parties at UFSC, perhaps because it was different from the others. My only regret is that I have to wait another semester to go to the next Electronic Injection. Gabriel Lima gabrielduwe@gmail.com Photos: Site Olho na Foto


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