Free parking at Multi Open Shopping

As of October 7, parking will be free at the open shopping mall located in Rio Tavares; free on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, after 18pm

credit in theoto used: Mayara Quirino.

Summer hasn't arrived yet, but the season promises to move the South of Floripa even more. It's the Multi Open Shopping, which is already one of the meeting points for those who live and visit Rio Tavares, has a super novelty. As of October 7, parking will be free for anyone visiting the first and only open shopping mall in the region after 18pm on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The gratuity will be valid until December 18, 2021.

How free will work

Upon entering the parking lot, after 18:XNUMX, on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, the driver will normally withdraw the parking ticket at the entrance seals. And to guarantee free, the customer will need to consume in stores, cinema, services or restaurants. At the time of payment, the customer receives another ticket that will be used to validate the totems located in the entrance hall and in the corridor, next to the elevator in Block B.

The open mall is on Rodovia Dr. Antônio Luiz Moura Gonzaga, 3339, on the Tavares River, in Florianópolis/SC.


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