Paulo Gustavo in Hyperactive

Show with extra sessions sold out is not for everyone, after all. The comedian is at the height of his career. And as expected, it filled the Pedro Ivo Theater. Lots of people of all ages.

Paulo Gustavo in Hyperactive

The stand up has been on show since 2010 and has been seen by more than 400 people. Some jokes are funnier and some not so much. But it is a humor without prejudices or appeals. I can say it's pure humor. That's what I like about stand up pieces, a funnier genre of humor because of its simplicity. There are few actors who can do this style of comedy well. Paulo Gustavo is naturally funny, isn't he? Some people come with an inherent gift. And so is this comedian. He just opens his mouth, uses some mannerisms and that's it. We died laughing. Thus, human behavior and relationships become extremely funny for their interpretations and shows us how much neurosis and paranoia can give rise to laughter. Among the topics: fears, prejudices, life choices, relating to other people, fat, crazy people, love life, drunken nights, insecurities, among others. The show is directed by Fernando Caruso, another comedian who is in the spotlight these days.   Danielle de Medeiros Photos: Public Relations


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