Photographs and objects are part of the OVA exhibition, Maristela Müller's first solo exhibition, held at the Cultural Foundation Badesc

O Paulo Gaiad Space of the Badesc Cultural Foundation, in the center of Florianópolis, will receive from the 17th of October, the OVA exposure, by visual artist Maristela Müller. The opening is scheduled for 19:XNUMX on Thursday and admission is free. OVA, title of Maristela's first solo show, comes from Latin and the word designates the plural of egg, as well as the bag full of fish eggs. In this exhibition, the artist presents photographs and artistic objects that refer to fertility and can represent eggs and eggs of any animal. The name also refers to the expression an ova, which expresses denial and repudiation, creating a poetic counterpoint. Invitation OVA, Maristela Muller Balancing between beauty and disgust, morbidity and fertility, between nature and the human creative act, the set of works, when seen from afar, draws attention for their delicacy, but when observed closely they can seem repugnant. Creating a mixture of affection and discomfort, of enthusiasm and denial of our fertile context. The works that make up the exhibition, selected by the Foundation's 2019 Public Notice in the First Individual Category, which aims to encourage and support artists at the beginning of their careers, were developed from 2016 to early 2019, together with the art group called Sopro Coletivo, which meets once or twice a month at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). The Badesc Cultural Foundation is located at Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto, 216, in the Center of the Capital and OVA, by Maristela Müller can be visited free of charge until November 22, always from Tuesday to Saturday, from 12 pm to 19 pm. Maristela Müller's OVA Exhibition Work - credit Maristela Müller (2) Know more about the artist: Maristela Müller has a Master's degree in Visual Arts (2017), from PPGAV/UDESC - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. Graduated in the Degree in Art Education (2010), by CEART/UDESC. She worked as a teacher in a Public School for more than three years, having experience in Early Childhood Education and Elementary School, with an emphasis on the Final Series. She worked as a Professor in Higher Education for more than four years at FETREMIS, in the Licentiate in Pedagogy course and in the Postgraduate course (Lato sensu). Since 2015, she has been part of the editorial board of Revista Educação, Artes e Inclusão (Qualis A2 in Arts and B1 in Teaching). She is currently studying for a Doctorate in Visual Arts at UDESC, researching the intertwining between being a teacher and an artist, as well as developing her artistic works focused on the themes and issues of the body, the feminine and fertility. Author of publication: William S. Schütz. Contact by e-mail: Advisory: Juliano Zanotelli, Willian Schütz and Fundação Cultural Badesc. Images: Maristela Müller and dissemination.


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