Wednesday, 08/06


Good - The brothers Bruno and Rodrigo Costa (sons of Celsinho and Monica, don't you?) enjoying dinner at Lagoa da Conceição with their girlfriends Luíza and Camila at a vacation pit stop on the Island. (Disclosure) 


the world is theirs

Clair Castilhos was the first councilor elected to the City Council of the Capital. Angela Amin was the first mayor of Floripa. Antonieta de Barros the first parliamentarian in the Legislative Assembly of Santa Catarina. Luci Choinask the first in the Federal Chamber. Dona Dilma the first woman elected president of the Republic of Brazil. I would venture to say that Hillary Clintn will be the first woman elected president of the United States of America. The 21st century is reserved for women. We just bow.


PF Japan...

And your friends. It's waking up, praying and calling the news to see who was arrested in the country. Other people open the window and peek... to see if there is not Japa's friend from Federal at the gate.



The meetings promoted by the team of state deputy Gean Loureiro have had an audience above expectations. At Sociedade Amigos da Lagoa, last Tuesday, it was a success. And they continue every day this week in the presence of the candidate for mayor of the Capital. Gean is in Charity Hospital and will stay until Saturday recovering from his 26th surgery to “fix” his leg and hip. For the way to make your walks towards the dream of being mayor of Floripa.



Friends of the Koerich family claim that one of their descendants could become mayor of the Capital. Waltinho has already confirmed that he does not intend to. But Serginho Koerich can face this mission. At least the squares and public places they are taking care of. After the power stations, Canasvieiras will gain a new public space on city hall land.



Avai coach, Silas again “silascou”. But also ooo... saving the trio Willian, Tatá and Renato in an away game thinking about the match against Joinville on Saturday at Ressacada could only be chipped.


Here and there

Football lovers who are enjoying the Copa America matches don't miss out by waiting until Friday with the opening of the Eurocup. Then let's see what football and team is.


Our Bonner

If the director of journalism at RBS, in an interview with Jailson de Sá, from the website AcabandoAqui, said that RBS Notícias is the “national newspaper of Santa Catarina, then Fabian Loureiro is our Willian Bonner. That's what his fans keep saying on social media.



There are already those who think that the announcement of the arrest of the main leaders of the PMDB is the counter-coup to the impeachment process of Dona Dilma. That it will affect the vote in the Senate there is no doubt.


To stop

Whether the UK will vote for separation from the European Union or not, Floripa residents can also vote on whether or not they want to remain connected to the Continent. There are those who argue that only the island as a municipality is greatly improving the administration of the city.


our bar

This Thursday, June 9th, we will have the opening of “Meu Bar Floripa”. The newest spot in Lagoa da Conceição, on Avenida das Rendeiras, will be a themed bar, managed by the “dear” André Nunes, son of the most famous Carécio, traditional figures of Joaca.



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