Badesc Cultural Foundation discloses those selected for the 2020 Notice

Four projects were selected and approved in the Public notice 2020 of the Badesc Cultural Foundation. The selection was made on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 28, in a videoconference between the members of the selection committee.

Two exhibitions were selected for each of the two exhibition spaces. for exhibition in Paulo Gaiad Space, those selected were: Marginal Bouquet, by Bruna Granucci and Edinara Patzlaff and in the category "First Individual" the selected proposal was Fantastic portraits by Carol Krügel.

Already for the Fernando Beck Space, the projects chosen were: Distant things seem smaller than they really are, by Dante Acosta e Stone-Flesh, by Meg Tomio Roussenq.

The 118 submitted proposals were evaluated by the commission formed by the journalist and visual arts researcher, Néri Pedroso, the professor of History of Art at PPGAV/UDESC, Luana Wedekin, and by the cultural manager and Coordinator of the Nucleus of Collection of Works of Art at Itaú Cultural, Luciana Soares.

In the decision, the following criteria were taken into account: conceptual consistency, contemporaneity, coherence in the exhibition design, proposal for the assembly and organization of the project and portfolio, adequacy to the exhibition space and mastery of language. For Espaço Fernando Beck, the artistic trajectory was also highlighted.

If any of the approved artists cannot participate, the commission also listed the substitutes. For Espaço Paulo Gaiad, the project O Espaço entre Nós, by Sarah Uriarte and Kim Coimbra, was the 1st alternate; and as second substitute was the artist Audrian Cassanelli, with the 2ª Via project.

At Espaço Fernando Beck, the project Cidadão de bem, by Soninha Vill, was the 1st substitute, and ECDISE, by Ana Sabiá, was the 2nd substitute.

The Foundation informs that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, there is still no definition of the exhibition dates. As soon as there is a definition in the calendar, the dates will be announced on the website, the Foundation's social networks and in the press.

Publication: William Schütz
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Source: Press Office of the Badesc Cultural Foundation.


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