Project manufactures and produces a collection of handmade and sustainable bridal wear

The collection makes, with natural fibers, outfits that combine elegance with references from different eras and styles

Model maker for 10 years, the Fashion Design trainee Elenisse Vacari carries out a project that stands out for its differential in this environment: with the production of sustainable pieces slow fashion and the collection ready-to-wear for brides.

The bridal outfits collection came from the idea of ​​configuring traditional outfits for the new market of conscious and sustainable consumption. In addition to the dresses being developed with fabrics that do not harm the environment, they are also composed of hybrid pieces where the bride can reuse the pieces in three moments - between engagement, civil and religious wedding. All models are developed within the concept of sustainability made possible by a supplier of sustainable fabrics and by a company that works with cooperatives in the planting of natural fibers, valuing rural workers in the community of Itamonte (MG).

"I have always been passionate about the world of brides. Entering the fashion college broadened my view as a consumer, from which I changed habits and tastes. Under this new look, I was sure that the bridal market would allow me to build my course conclusion work" - says Elenisse.

Photos from the Memories collection, whose concept is "The inspiration comes from a simple country woman and her skills with manual and craft practices, passed on from generation to generation". Photographs: Roselia Lopes

The pieces of this differentiated collection can be checked on the Instagram page @elenissevacaricouture.

"I thought about all the processes of the collection so that everything could cooperate in the idea of ​​being pieces eco-friendly . In the production process I used the technique of molding where I don't need to use any type of material to develop the models and I tried to use biodegradable accessories" - highlights the model maker.

Another feature of the collection is the rescue of manual practices and references to models from the 80s, the decade of exaggeration.

Between perfecting the idea and making the pieces, in the process, stylist Elenisse Vacari tells the life story of Mrs. Vanda (in memory), a woman passionate about crafts and sewing from a young age. In her spare time, she made crochet her robbie. The author highlights in her collection the greatest legacy left by her mother, the art of crocheting, taught at the age of nine.

The collection's identity is made up of sustainable fabrics and crochet details.

Subject: William Schutz
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Images: publicity and photographs by Roselia Lopes.


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