Wednesday, 03/08


Tributo - Singer from Santa Catarina, Bruna Góes, featured on Globo's The Voice, takes the stage at the Pedro Ivo Theater, at 20 and 30, next Friday and Saturday to sing the hits of Amy Winehouse in a super production by Eveline Orth. (Disclosure)


taking care of who

With each passing day, the population of Greater Floripa in need of medical-hospital service finds itself in an endless abyss. There are hospital emergencies closing, hospitals running out of medicines and the Emergency Care Units in terrible conditions or undergoing renovations such as one announced in the North region of the island. Soon, the UPAs that remove a significant portion of the hospital queues by providing local care. This is how health (dis)walks in a region with more than one million people. It is the state government whose slogan is “taking care of our people”.



There was no chewing gum in the mouth of the wife of the PT marketer, João Santana, Mônica Moura, when she left the prison, as she did mockingly when she was arrested. But both she and he left smiling towards the mansion or flat where they live in a car bought with dirty money. These are the benefits of the award-winning... Award-winning, by the way.


only with ice cream

We're warming up. The planet is one degree warmer. The sea level has already risen 7 centimeters. So get ready for the high season. In the height of summer, the best way is to stay on the edge of Joaquina having ice cream at the restaurants owned by the Dedé and Carécio brothers.


don't come back

And the petezada disappeared from social networks. There is a lack of arguments to defend the indefensible of the Lulupetista government. They already feel that impeachment has no turning back. Whoever returns is Dona Dilma to Porto Alegre.


corporate chain

A policeman and a lawyer were arrested by the civil police of Santa Catarina highlighted in the newspapers. But without disclosing their names. I ask: what if I were a teacher and a school principal, would you name the horse?!


But now!?

New Year's Eve tickets are now on sale. Mainly the parties on the edge of Jurerê Internacional. And Santa didn't even cross the bridge... There's still Father's Day, folks!



Adept at creating political anecdotes, former senator Casildo Maldaner called candidate Gean Loureiro “the newest Moses”. It must be that if elected, he will open the island's seas... it can't be done! Good for water navigation.



And who knew, huh!? Fernanda Bornhausen, the daughter of JB, is the commander of the MDB. Calm down people... she's not from the PMDBerro, but from the Women of Brazil movement


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