Wednesday, 23/11


Cult star - Visual artist, presepist and disciple of Franklin Cascaes, former president of the Casa dos Açores de Santa Catarina, Jone César, setting up the crib in Praça XV, will be one of those honored this Thursday with the Medal of Cultural Merit Cruz e Sousa . (Ricardinho/Disclosure)


From Guga to Brazil

"It is regrettable the decision of this administrative process by the Federal Revenue Service and the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals, by a casting vote, due to the tie in the judgment, which forces me to pay as an individual the contracts for the use of image in this period, from 1999 to 2002. If I wanted to use the legal entity simply to have a tax benefit, it would be much easier to have gone to live outside Brazil, set up residence in Montecarlo or any other tax-exempt country and got rid of paying any tax, even because I was much more time abroad than here. But for me it always made more sense to bring this money to Brazil and invest in my country.” Part of the content of Guga Kuerten's letter sent to his advisor. the lawsuit against the world champion continues.


mr. B

One of the most passionate fans of Figueirense, publicist Roberto Costa used his “faice” to criticize the entire board of the club relegated to the B series. But he did not spare President Wilfredo Brillinger from guilt in the registry office. That's right, the one who will leave his name in history as Wilfredo B.


Theater Journal

As there was no electricity at Tralharia on the day of the launch of the fourth issue of Caixa de Pont[o], a new launch takes place this Saturday, starting at 11 am, at the same location. Caixa de Pont[o], the Brazilian theater newspaper, celebrates and invites partners Marco Vasques and Rubens Cunha.



Senator Aécio Neves invited the toucans to the National Meeting of Elected Mayors, promoted by the PSDB, which will take place this Friday, in Brasília, with the presence of former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Neither the mayor of Blumenau nor the vice president of Floripa participate in the opening table full of toucan stars.


Who is who

The Bellini Cultural Group approved 174 projects related to different forms of cultural expression under the umbrella of the Rouanet Law, in a volume of resources in this period of R$ 94 million. Among them that luxurious wedding on the edge of Jurerê Internacional. New Minister of Culture, Roberto Freire and the CPT of Lei Rouanet have a lot to discover who was the operator of the system within the Minc.


Cultural Merit

Board of Directors of Casa dos Açores de Santa Catarina, chaired by historian Sérgio Ferreira, celebrates the award of the Cruz e Sousa Medal of Cultural Merit to its partners Ana Lucia Coutinho - popular culture and cultural heritage, and Jone Cézar de Araújo - visual arts . The award ceremony to several Santa Catarina personalities will be this Thursday, at 20 pm, at the Cruz e Sousa Palace.



No soap... Boa naba leaves the outgoing mayor César Júnior for the incoming mayor Gean Loureiro. He doesn't even sit in the chair and will have to seek “only” R$ 7 million to get the works on the Rio Tavares elevated. It's just to start... losing hair!


By the way

Is mayor-elect Gean Loureiro endorsed this change at the end of the term of office and differentiated payment of solid waste in IPTU slips? City hall still runs the risk of having to redo work and pay twice to send the booklets through the Post Office. A melancholy end to this administration.


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