Thursday, 03/11


Mr. X - Businessman Alfio Lagnado, owner of Hang Loose, was welcomed by friends at Joaquina after 30 years having sponsored Hang Loose and placed Ilha beach on the world surfing scene. (@highvisionimages/Disclosure)



History – Roberto Perdigão and Flávio Boabaid, two surfing beasts walking around behind the scenes at Hang Loose on Joaquina beach. (@highvisionimages/Disclosure)


abandoned joaca

Access to Joaquina beach becomes a dead end on days of major events such as the Hang Loose event. It gets even worse without the minimum organization of the traffic authorities of the Capital. At the junction of Mole-Joaca, a guard is needed to give vent as one of the roads needs more or less. But neither the Detran nor the Municipal Guard were present. In fact, not even the mayor showed up. If César still had his deputy, João Amin, there would be a representative of the municipality. But the end of government, nobody cares. And you can write: the accesses to the beaches of Joaca, Mole and Barra will be flags of the next municipal election.



The Joaquina road has been the same for about 30 years. And look, we already had two councilors – Xande Fontes and João Amin, coming from the ASJ – Associação dos Surfistas da Joaquina. The road has no sidewalks, no signage and the tiles are always in poor condition. Shame!


ratchet already

Everything has limits. We are seeing several national and international tourist cities, such as Fernando de Noronha or Santorino and Venice, controlling their seasonal population. Nearby, in Governador Celso Ramos, mayor Juliano Campos wants to institute a summer toll. The city receives 1,5 million in high season. All right... and Floripa should start thinking about it.


six feet

A national survey shows that most Brazilians defend that “a good criminal is a dead criminal”. Nothing different from what the presenter of RIC Record, Roberto Salum, keeps talking about on the Giro Policial program.


tied hands

We are locking ourselves in the house for fear of banditry. And the thugs in the streets laughing idly at our defenses with electric fences. There are those who defend the chair...



At the counter at Box 32, this one was still from the times of election and cyclone: ​​many still wonder who woke up with a hangover the most, if Arantinho, who saw her restaurant being destroyed by the waves or Dona Ângela, who saw Hurricane Loureiro turn the election upside down.


broken invitation

They say in the political circles that Mayor César Júnior intends to be invited by the governor to assume a secretary of state. But doesn't daddy already have one in his hand? In fact, if the criterion for “winning” a secretariat is the performance in the elections, everything indicates that you will receive that invitation like “say I invited you, but you didn't accept”.


on the wave

In a promotion by Atlântida radio and the World Surf League, Malam Club, in Lagoa da Conceição, will be the stage chosen by the organization of the Hang Loose Pro Contest to hold the event's party. And this Saturday the ballad is already happening with DJ's Ana Herber, The Cegus and Ayin bringing together surfers from different parts of the world in the house that has just inaugurated its new system in lead, existing only in three clubs in Brazil.


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