Thursday, 09/06


Via Vinho - Partners Sílvia Lima and Guilherme Caldeira brought together ideas, in addition to toothbrushes, opening Vie Vin in the Santa Monica neighborhood, celebrating one year of the brand linked to the world of wine in Brazil. (Jacqueline Mendonça/Disclosure)



80' and such

After the documentary about the emergence of surfing on the Island with the title “Anos 70 e tal”, with the dromedaries of the waves giving testimonies of the decade of desbunde, brefa and rock and roll, a kind of DOC II was ready. The sequel “Anos 80 e tal”, appears the new generation of sarada surfing and showing the rise of the sport and its professionalization with a series of world championships placing Joaca and Mole in the international surfing scene. Like the first, the second part is already happening on Canal Off, on GNT.



One of the controversial subjects of the DOC of the 80's is the old feud between the surfers of Joaquina and Barra da Lagoa. For Bira Shauffer, former president of the Santa Catarina Surf Federation, the arrival of the Jiu Jitso trend within surfing has intensified this feud that is already in the past, by the way.


speaking of surfing

The new president of Tractebel, Eduard Sattamini, has surfing as a hobby. Nor could it be different for the engineer born on the edge of Rio de Janeiro. And as a good surfer from Rio, he knows that his new home is on an island with more than 50 surfing beaches.


expensive diet

Faced with unemployment and the crisis, this granting of a corporate card for Dilma's use is a mockery. In the first 5 months of 2016 alone, she spent R$280 on food. And in the 18 days after the removal, it was R$ 54 thousand to fill his fridge. That's what she's on a diet... And that expensive diet!


white plates

Folha de São Paulo was on the cover this week with the news that the Rock in Rio cultural producer obtained more than R$ 8 million via Lei Rouanet for a private show. Then they don't want to be called white plates. Art and artists need to be where the people are, not where the money is.


By the way

Most cultural producers, filmmakers, musicians and artists cannot live far from the “cultbrás”. Under the mantle of governments, their arts are transforming like leaves in the wind. And behind the scenes, the hidden word of the rulers and their parties.


Is it?

César leaves, Pinto da Luz enters. The PSD is in tow on Capital Island, having mayor, president of the Legislative Assembly and governor on the same track. But they can't forget that Senator Dário Berger, who calls his former Secretary of Education “magnificent”, may be sewing a little conversation in his ear. Do not doubt if the PSD and PMDB sit at the same table before the election.



President of RIC Record, Marcello Petrelli doesn't have a day that goes out of the editions of his group's newspaper. It's in reports, it's in columns... some say he's a candidate. Or he intends to be. There's no shortage of parties for him... there's the PRB of the bishops of Universal and the bosses of Record or there's the PSD, ex-PDS of the oligarchy and ex-Arena of the dictatorship that his father helped to found.




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