Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 25 to 27/11


For the cause - First Lady Maria Angélica Colombo promotes on the 29th, at Casa d'Agronomica, a charity event with the presence of global actress Grace Gianoukas and income for Educandário Santa Catarina, Orphanage Irmandade Nossa Senhora das Graças and Lar de Idosos Santa Mary of Peace. (Daniel Conzi/Disclosure)



Très bien - The French night at Brasserie Bocaiúva, which launches a new menu this Monday, brought together the beautiful Dani Tavares, Teka Viana, Geiza Martins and Thaiz Londero, attending the show of classics from the song "Le Bleu". (Angelo Santos/Disclosure)



Uhuhuhuh - This Saturday the SubTropic ballad is going on, bringing together musical genres at Music Park with the colorful Karol Conka and other tribes. (Disclosure)


Direct now?

The amendment came out worse than the sonnet. President Michel Temer even seems to fear his shock troops led by the triumvirate Eliseu Padilha, Moreira Franco, Romero Jucá and Gedhel Vieira. Showing a weak pulse, the president of the republic is held hostage by the problems of his main collaborators and tries to solve them after public opinion becomes aware of it by the press. With the aggravation of the political and institutional crisis, everything indicates that the president's door will be knocked by splashes of Odebrecht's award-winning whistleblower and Brazil, in order not to fall into the hands of a lifelong Rodrigo Maia, will take to the streets asking for direct election as the only alternative to the time. Before sympathy for undemocratic causes grows.


SOS Coral

The Coral Association of Florianópolis, with 62 years of existence, is about to close its doors due to the total disregard of the cultural authorities of the state and Capital. He doesn't know how to pay the IPTU carnê in the amount of R$ 7 thousand reais, Mayor-elect could well exempt the cultural entity, since in this government they exempted many commercial stores in the city.



The cause is even noble, but the trophy... State Department of Culture, Tourism and Sport has opened a tender for the production of trophies for the Guga Kuerten award. It's nothing, it's nothing, it's “only” R$ 58 thousand.



When Carnival arrives, Berbigão do Boca will celebrate 25 years of joy and fun. But in addition to the traditional gastronomic contest with our coastal shellfish and the famous dolls of famous manezinhos, there will be a social action. Ambassador Nado Garofallis bought the idea of ​​dentist Karine Piñera, a doctor in pathology, and the “Bons de Boca” project will be taken among the crowd, popularizing the work linked to Unisul Dentistry, Campus Pedra Branca, talking about the importance of oral health in a playful, but capable of attracting attention.



I don't know which weather is worse: Figueira or Inter. Avai in the A series and Grêmio possible champion of the Copa do Brasil. A hot-headed year for the relegated fans.


kick out

And the president of Figueirense, Wilfredo B, got off to a bad start at the press conference talking about the boat. Many players we didn't even know, like one Elvis (sings or plays, does he?) leave. But he kept Branco in charge of football with salaries and housing on Ilha da Magia.


At 45

The five beach clubs of Jurerê Internacional were saved by the bell with the judgment on the merits of the demolition or not postponed to 2017. The season is good and Leandro Adegas is already starting to celebrate this weekend by opening a champagne.


Victorio and Victorino

The Ceratti sausage factory will enter the “merchand” of the global soap opera Sol Nascente. It will be the exclusive brand of the bakery of Marcelo Novaes' character, the Italian Vittório. Who celebrated was the namesake Marcelo Victorino, owner of Sanduicheria da Ilha which has the same bologna as its flagship.


empty bag

And viola in the bag... Last minute decision by the mayor of the Capital César Júnior to cut funds for the end-of-the-year festivities and carnival will leave more than 300 thousand people to see ships... but without lights and without waterfalls in the Avenida Beira-mar Norte and the Hercílio Luz bridge. Santa Claus will come standing and King Momo naked.


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