Friday, Saturday and Sunday – 15/04 to 17/04


Actress Sarah Ferreira presents the project Poliedros Platônicos, a choreographic work that will go to the corner of Senadinho on April 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, in a performer of ERRO Grupo de Teatro, directed by Luana Raiter. (Marcos Espíndola/Disclosure)



Colorful friendship – If before it was just an “engagement”, now it's a political marriage between senator Dário Berger and his bambino Tiago Silva arm in arm through the city streets. (Ricardinho/Disclosure)


Day D

This Sunday, April 17, could be the day of democracy. Undoubtedly it will be D-day. It could also be the day of the collapse of Lulupetism or the “d” of unmasking a corrupt government that came to power through dirty money that helped to elect Dilma president. It may also be Dilma's "d" for the country to come to the conclusion that her political profile is not of class struggle as the PT and its Bolivarian line in Latin America proclaim, but of a C-class majority that works and maintains the economy running. Sunday, seventeenth... day to decimate despots.



Impeachment will be a stomp on the jararaca's head. The nest will never be the same again. And as Brizola would say: “they swallowed the bearded frog”.


sinking boat

The ferry passed the RBS newsroom in Rio Grande Sul. With 30 years of service, Rosane Marchetti, presenter of Jornal do Almoço gaúcho, was fired straight away. And she comes there. Around here, new bosses, still only fear.


junk & co

The works of plastic artist Bruno Barbi are still on display at the Tralharia bar, in the historic center of the city. The pub, selling vinyl records, paintings, antiques and oddities, has been bringing together journalists, artists, poets, filmmakers and writers who circulate on the island, becoming a cult point of the capital island.


Sugar Mill

This week the city government launched fireworks announcing the environmental license for the work of the fishermen's pier in the João Paulo neighborhood. You can write: action will still come against. It's just that Floripa still has its back to the sea.



Secretary of Tourism took stock of the season saying it was positive. Plus our beaches, our lagoons, our ecological trails, our bars, nightclubs, hotels and restaurants. That's positive. Structure, bathing, mobility, energy, basic sanitation and everything else that depends on the government, leaves a lot to be desired.


I want a vice

Former mayor Angela Amin says she can run as a candidate, but not alone. You can't even do it alone. There has to be a vice. And if she needs someone (and only if she “needs”, as Çuçu would say) she can invite Edison Andrino. In fact, what runs is that she would have even invited.


Sao Chico and Joaquina

Rede Globo brings two novelties in its teledramaturgies. First, the natural and tourist beauties of the São Francisco River region, with its hitherto unknown canyons. According to the series that appears to Joaquina, the daughter of Tiradentes. And who learned that in school? Few, including teachers, knew that their daughter played an important role in continuing the struggle for independence.


no funds

CPI that investigates fraud in Pension Funds approved the report with the approval of deputies João Rodrigues (SC), Delegate Éder Mauro and Herculano Passos (SP). There are suspicions of embezzlement of more than R$ 113 billion in the assets of the funds of Caixa Econômica Federal (Funcef), Correios (Postalis), Petrobras (Petros) and Banco do Brasil (Previ). They should focus on the pension funds of electric power companies. There, too, there are... or there are no more funds.



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